
The School Year Ended, Now What?

The School Year Ended, Now What?

How was your school year? I’m so glad you asked. The end of year activities, the spirit days and the reports card are done. Now it’s time to reflect. Whether you are a teacher, a professional, a parent or all three. These are great questions to ask yourself and your child. 

1. How was your school year? What went well? What didn’t go well? What can you do differently next year? 

We know that a lot of things are out of your control. But what can you control? 

As a teacher, could you dive a little deeper into creating extension lessons for the students that are done early. Maybe have a better mindset as you attend those professional development days. Instead of dreading it and thinking they are a waste of time, maybe see them as an opportunity to collaborate with your colleagues. Maybe there is ONE new nugget to bring back to your classroom. 

As a parent, could you be “pro school”? Even though you may not be getting the responses you want. Even though it may be perceived that our child is not getting the teacher’s positive attention, could you give the teacher the benefit of the doubt that they do have your child’s best interest in their heart. It just may not seem that way to you. What mindset could you start the school with next year to be more positive and collaborative? 

2. What can you celebrate? 

You and your child worked really hard this year. There was progress made. It may not be all that you hoped for, but you are in the right direction. Take the time to celebrate that progress. 

As a teacher, know that you gave your best. You went above and beyond. Celebrate your efforts by filling your cup this summer. Go to the beach, sit outside, read that book, sleep in, walk your dog because you want to, not because you have to. Take care of you. So that way you are ready for next year’s class. 

As a parent, celebrate your wins and your child’s wins. Ask your child, “What do you feel went well this year?” “Do you feel you made progress this year?” “Tell me about your success in _______.” Then celebrate those wins that your child shares with you. Write them in a journal so that you remember them. Go out for ice cream, go to the beach or the hike, take a bike ride, most importantly, ask your child how they want to celebrate that win. (Within reason, of course!)

3. What do you need?

I want you to ask yourself this question, “what do you need?” We are always asking and wondering what our children need. And we need to, as teachers and parents, that’s part of our job. But today, I want you to ask yourself what you need. What will help you be better prepared for the next school year? 

Do you need rest? Do you need to get away? Either a big adventure, a day trip, or even an hour at the coffee house, by yourself. Do you need to research and understand your child’s diagnosis, now that you have the time? Do you need to NOT think about your child’s diagnosis and progress? Maybe you’ve been obsessed about it too long and you just need to give yourself (and your child) a break. 

I invite you to take care of yourself this summer. You will be a better teacher, parent and better version of you in the Fall, if you do. 

I will leave you with this quote from Theodore Roosevelt, “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.”

Are you confused and overwhelmed by your child’s IEP? Did Parent-Teacher Conference raise more questions rather than answer them?  Schedule a FREE  consultation with Debbie 

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