
Learning Strengths Inventory

Who's Learning Now - Learning Strengths Inventory™ 

If a child can't learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn. 
~ Ignacio Estrada

Do you know HOW your child learns? Do you know their preferred way of taking in new information? 

Many parents do not. Many parents have not even thought about it unless you have been frustrated in teaching your child something and “they just don’t get it”. I would guess that your child has a different learning style than you. As a parent, that can be frustrating. 

As a teacher, wouldn’t it be wonderful to know within the first few days of school who the kids in your classroom are? How do they learn best and their strengths? Teachers want to meet their students where they are at. But how do you figure that out in a timely manner? 

At Who’s Learning Now, we believe everybody should grow and learn by leaning into their strengths, rather than focusing on their weaknesses. Be seen for their abilities rather than their disabilities. Knowing your preferred learning style and your natural strengths will help you face each new learning opportunity as your best self.

There are 4 Learning Styles and 4 Learning Strengths

The 4 Learning Styles are Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic, and Reading/Writing. 

A Visual Learner learns by seeing 

As a Visual Learner, you need to see pictures or words written down in order to remember them. You prefer to see a picture representation of ideas while the lesson is being taught. You benefit from PowerPoint presentations that complement the verbal lecture. Strategies that will help you as a Visual Learner are: mind maps, graphic organizers, charts, post-it notes, color coding, and name tags.

An Auditory Learner learns by listening 

As an Auditory Learner, you do your best when you can listen to a lecture or presentation. You understand verbal instructions better than most. For instance, when listening to music, you focus on the words, not just the musical melody. Strategies that help you as an Auditory Learner are: back-and-forth question-answer sessions, mnemonic devices,  songs/rhymes, having discussions, reading out loud, and listening centers.

A Kinesthetic Learner learns by doing 

As a Kinesthetic Learner, you like to move your body, which includes the need to talk, and touch or feel objects to learn best. You benefit from gross motor movement breaks before or after your learning session. You benefit from objects that keep you moving like bouncy balls, fidget spinners, and standing desks. Strategies that help you as a Kinesthetic Learner are: field trips, adventures, games, doodling, hands-on lessons, and moving objects around like puzzle pieces and Legos.

A Reading/Writing Learner learns by reading the text & writing things down

As a Reading/Writing Learner, you learn best by reading books and text, taking notes, and using reference materials like dictionaries or non-fiction books. You fit into the traditional way of listening to lectures, reading material, and taking notes. Strategies that help you as a Reading/Writing Learner are: writing notes, always having pen and paper with you, using your own words when summarizing information, re-reading your notes because repetition helps information stay in long-term memory. 

The 4 Learning Strengths are Doer, Motivator, Supporter, and Thinker

A Doer’s strength is getting things done

You are excited by checking things off your to-do lists. Knowing you can accomplish something motivates you to keep going. In fact, without something to do, you can get bored easily – you will find something to do. You also like to be efficient and straight to the point. Details are good, but you need only as much information as necessary to get the job done. Keep in mind that you may also shy away from doing something if you feel the timeline is unreasonable or your skills aren’t up to the task.       
A motivator’s Strength is being a natural leader

You are often a voice for others. You add a dynamic presence to any situation and others easily notice you. You are at your best when being part of a group – even better when leading the group. You love to imagine possibilities and think about big picture ideas. You may not think about things in a linear fashion, but rather in a broad, brushstroke way. You think big and like to challenge the status quo. However, remember that your excitement about being heard needs to be balanced with listening to others.           
A Supporter’s Strength is building trust and lending emotional support          
You are the glue that holds people together. You have a preference for smaller groups and more personal interactions because connecting more deeply with each person is important to you. When you are at your best, you are able to express your emotions easily and prefer long, in-depth conversations rather than superficial ones. You are a great listener and behave in a diplomatic way. Keep in mind that this isn’t always possible in every situation and find a way to balance the need for quick responses with your need to connect.                          
A thinker’s Strength is processing information and planning accordingly              
Having space and time to think and process is key for you. You love being able to ponder on the “big questions”. You appreciate details along with facts and proof over general ideas and vague language. You like to think about what could be and where the future could lead. You are also likely to ask a lot of questions to improve your understanding of any subject or situation. Just be aware that your passion for asking lots of questions might irritate others.

We have created this inventory for you, your children, and your students to take today. 

There are three inventories. One for non-readers, one for elementary, and one for teens/adults. 

As you are answering the questions on this assessment, you are identifying your preferred learning style and strength. This indicates your natural tendencies for taking in and understanding new information. You may feel you relate to characteristics from other learning styles/strengths as well - and that’s OK! Our goal is to help you develop skills and strategies to maximize all of the learning styles while understanding your particular strengths.

We believe everybody should grow and learn by leaning into their strengths, rather than focusing on their weaknesses. Knowing your preferred learning style and your natural strengths will help you face each new learning opportunity as your best self.

Knowing your child’s preferred learning style and recognizing their strengths helps you identify consistent patterns which will help them develop into communicative, productive, independent, and self-sufficient citizens of the world.

Take the Learning Strengths Inventory today by going to

For more tips on how you can help support your child, visit or join our Parent and Educator Support Group on Facebook.

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